Exploring The Waste Land
A miscellaneous page linked from The Waste Land, Part III, line 264

The Church of Saint Magnus Martyr
Ionian white and gold
Line 264

White column with Ionic capital at the Church of Saint Magnus Martyr David Evans has some pictures of the Church of Saint Magnus Martyr, Lower Thames Street, London. He has pictures both of the exterior of the church and the interior, including some closeups of the white columns with gold Ionic capitals. This is a detail from one of his pictures (used with permission.)

These columns have a Roman influence and are more ornate than most that are refered to as Ionic. Possibly this is why Eliot called them Ionian.

February 23, 2002

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L 221 - The Church of Saint Magnus Martyr
David Evans' pictures of a church mentioned in Eliot's The Waste Land.

Exploring The Waste Land
File name: mq264.html
File date: Sunday, September 29, 2002
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